The Esnagami

A Mighty River is Made Up of Many Single Drops - Afghan Proverb

There is something very special about rivers.

They come in all shapes and sizes, and while we have managed to mess up quite a few of them, there are still an impressive number that, having been left to their own devices, continue to provide us with the opportunity to play at beingLesVoyageur as we travel along them to this day.


Come Fly With Me

While the sport of fly fishing has become somewhat demystified over the years, many continue to see it as a way to catch fish, that is best left to those who have an unhealthy fascination with insects and bugs, and likely live in their parents basement.



When Esnagami Lake Lodge in Northwestern Ontario changed hands a number of years ago, it came along with all the usual stuff, such as boats, motors, miscellaneous equipment, and one other unexpected and, as it turned out, critical asset - a very special guide by the name of Baptiste.

As close as anyone could figure he was likely in his late sixties at the time, but no one really knew for sure.